Mini Munch Cucumber Plant – 9cm Pot

Mini Munch Cucumber Plant – 9cm Pot

£1.50 Per Plant - 9cm Pot

Mini Munch Cucumber Plant is an RHS award-winning, mini variety and a particularly heavy cropper, producing small, convenient-sized fruits with a delightful flavour, crisp flesh and smooth skin.

At approximately 7cm – 3in long, mini munch produces the perfect-sized cucumbers, ideal for salads, sandwiches or whole in a packed lunch. Plus it spends less time in the fridge ensuring your cucumber is always harvest-fresh and with zero waste!

Mini Munch cucumber plants enjoy a long and bountiful cropping period between June and October, however, they need a glasshouse or conservatory.

It is an all-female variety, capable of producing fruit without the flowers being pollinated meaning every flower can produce fruits.

Ultimate height: 300cm – 118in. Ultimate spread: 50cm – 20 in.

As this is a fast-moving seasonal item, please get in touch or visit our garden centre to check availability.

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Plant care

Pinch out the tips of the leading stems of cucumber plants once they have reached the top of the trellis or other support.

Lateral shoots should be pruned two leaves beyond where a fruit is developing to divert the plant’s energy into the development of the fruit, rather than into vegetative growth.

Handy Tip

Cucumbers prefer a moist atmosphere. Keep well watered and feed regularly once fruits start to set.

Nutritional Information

Low in calories and high in potassium, the dark skin is rich in carotenoid antioxidants.


Cucumbers can be susceptible to glasshouse whitefly.


Cucumbers can be susceptible to cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew.
