Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts are a tasty vegetable with a rich source of antioxidants, are very effective in reducing inflammation, high in fibre and packed with vitamin K!

Brussels are a staple among winter vegetables and a traditional festive favourite.

Sprouts don’t have to be boiled or steamed! There are many delightful, gourmet alternative cooking options available!

They have the best flavour, texture and cooking qualities when harvested after being well-frosted.

As our range of vegetable plants is seasonal, please get in touch to discuss availability and for expert advice.

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  • Sprouts

    Cauliflowers do best in very fertile soil. Dig in well-rotted manure or organic matter before planting. Firm the soil by treading before planting


    Cauliflowers do best in very fertile soil. Dig in well-rotted manure or organic matter before planting. Firm the soil by treading before planting

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