Tumbling Tom Cherry Tomato Plant – 9cm Pot

Tumbling Tom Cherry Tomato Plant – 9cm Pot

£1.15 Per Plant - 9cm Pot

Tumbling Tom Cherry Tomato Plant is a compact, bushy tomato perfect for hanging baskets and patio containers.

Tumbling Tom Cherry Tomato Plants are an early, prolific producer of sweet, delicious cherry tomatoes, each measuring 2 – 3cm in diameter, ideal for salads and salsas or straight onto the barbecue!

Tumbling Tom can be grown in a glasshouse or outdoors in a sunny, sheltered location.

Requiring no side-shooting or training, Tumbling Tom is easy to maintain and is a popular favourite.

Height and spread: 30cm – 12in.

As this is a fast-moving seasonal item, please get in touch or visit our garden centre to check availability.

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Tumbling Tom Cherry Tomato Plants are naturally self-branching and will normally cascade on their own, but can be encouraged by pinching out the growing tip once they reach 25-30cm.

These compact bush varieties have a naturally trailing habit that drapes from your baskets, planters and even window boxes!

Keep well watered and feed weekly with seaweed extract once flowers form.

Keep moisture levels in the soil consistent to prevent blossom end rot and split fruit.

Use 1 plant for a 25cm basket or 3 in a 35cm basket. Because tomatoes like the warmth you will always get an earlier and bigger crop from greenhouse-grown plants.

Plants placed out in early May need to be protected against any frosts, otherwise, leave a few weeks and plant out then. Again this will all depend on weather and the risk of frost!

Carry on feeding cherry tomato plants weekly. Increase the strength of the feed as the plant grows.

The feed should include a balance of Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus (NPK) and ideally should include Trace Elements as well.

Being a trailing variety Tomato tumbling tom red does not need any support as it grows.


Tomato fruits ripen in response to warmth, so during cold weather or late in the season, they will ripen more slowly.

At the end of the season green fruit may be ripened indoors; keep them warm. Direct sunlight contributes little to ripening and too much may damage the fruit.
