Shirley F1 Tomato Plant – 9cm Pot

Shirley F1 Tomato Plant – 9cm Pot

£1.15 Per Plant - 9cm Pot

Shirley F1 Tomato Plant is an early-maturing variety and an exhibitor’s favourite due to its heavy crops of excellent-quality sweet fruit.

This tomato is reliable, prolific and perfectly suited to growing in a greenhouse or outside in a sheltered location.

Shirley also shows excellent disease resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Cladosporium ABC and Fusarium.

With an open, indeterminate habit and for best results, this tomato plant is best grown in grow bags as a greenhouse cordon (produces vines).

Ideal for adding to salads, pizzas, salsas, sauces and sandwiches.

Height: 200cm – 79in. Spread: 50cm – 20 in.

As this is a fast-moving seasonal item, please get in touch or visit our garden centre to check availability.

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Plant care

Tie in tomato plant supports as it grows, and pinch out the side shoots.

Keep well watered and feed weekly once flowers start to form.

Keep water levels in the soil consistent to prevent blossom end rot and split fruit.

When plants reach the greenhouse roof, pinch out the growing tip above the top truss so the plant concentrates on ripening fruit rather than growing further greenery.

Restrict the plant to six trusses for optimum quality fruits.

Grow basil among your tomatoes as a companion plant. The scent deters Whitefly and is handy for harvesting to complement your tomatoes perfectly in Mediterranean cooking.
