Vegetable Seeds – Spinach Amazon F1 is an RHS Award-winning variety that produces delicious, very healthy, high yields of glossy, dark green, rounded leaves that can be used in soups, stews, casseroles, salads, sandwiches and smoothies.
This gorgeous green veg is delicious, a good source of folic acid, manganese and vitamins A & C, and can be used in just about any dish for a quick and simple vegetable boost.
From successive sowings, this British bred variety, Spinach Amazon is fast-growing with good resistance to downy mildew and bolting, making it ideal for harvesting as baby leaves or growing on as mature plants.
Well suited to the British climate, this variety can be grown in the vegetable plot, in your borders or in containers on your patio.
Height and spread: 20cm (8″).
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