Vegetable Seeds – Pak Choi Red Choi F1

Vegetable Seeds – Pak Choi Red Choi F1

£1.70 Per 150 Seeds Packet

Vegetable Seeds – Pak Choi Red Choi F1 is a superb variety that produces beautifully flavoured, red-tinged leaves as the plant matures and benefits from great disease-resistance.

You can break off the leaves as you need; this also stimulates the the plant into continuous to growth for successional harvesting.

Red Pak Choi makes a colourful, healthy addition to any salad or stir fry.

This variety is slow to bolt and enjoys great frost resistance.

Pak Choi has been grown in China for approximately 1500 years and is picked whole when approximately 10cm tall or grown larger so the individual leaves can be used.

Pak Choi is superb when used raw in salads, and when cooked it develops a sligtly spicy flavour.

Packed with many super-food nutrients.

Please get in touch for FREE expert growing advice!


